Assessment & Rating
Childcare Experts has supported services, Australia wide, in achieving EXCEEDING
Believe . Achieve . Exceed
Our experts will support you and your team with all aspects of the A&R process. From conducting quality and compliance audits, development and review of your QIP or self-assessment and phone or face to face consultancy.
Mock A&R Audits
Our Mock A&R audit will assist you in preparing for your A&R visit. We will conduct an audit of all 7 quality areas by observing practice, sighting documentation and discussions with management and the team. Upon completion of the audit, we will provide you with a detailed report outlining areas for further improvement.
Compliance Audits
Our in house audit will assess your services compliance against the National Law and Regulations. Upon completion of the audit, our expert will assist you in developing an action plan to ensure everything is back on track.
QIP Support
Our experts will assist you with the development and review of your service QIP or Self Assessment. We will guide you in identifying the strengths and areas for continuous improvement. We will also assist you in addressing the 3 exceeding themes. Our experts also offer in house workshops to support you and your team with the QIP.
A&R Consultancy
Childcare Experts offers in house and online training and consultancy to support you and your team before, during and after your Assessment & Rating visit. We provide team training and one on one consultancy with the Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor and Educational Leader. We can also assist in your draft report response.
Tailored A&R Support
Childcare Experts can tailor all support, consultancy and training to the individual needs of you and your team. Contact us today and chat with one of our experts.